Stasia Monteiro
Stasia (they/them) is committed to building a more just world and applies values of intentionality and working collectively towards this goal. As a former high school educator and a queer person of color, they carry a keen awareness of the intersections of identity, experience, and the many hidden gifts that can emerge when people are met with a sense of belonging. They center building deep relationships and strengthening collaboration through innovative community programming that elevates marginalized voices, critically examines social issues, and develops collective solutions. Since joining HACE in 2015, they continue channeling this energy to serve Eastern North Philadelphia.

Story Engagement Team - Resident-Led Planning Process
This project supports neighborhood leaders on the Story Engagement Team (SET), who will be harvesting local stories and resident-driven program ideas for Rivera Recreation & Mann Older Adult Centers (5th & Allegheny). SET leaders will train in creative engagement methods that support deep inquiry and visioning driven by the voices of Fairhill residents, subsequently developing a plan for activating these programs in the renovated community centers. This alternative neighborhood planning model centers community members not only as thought partners, but as leaders and creative facilitators within a community-driven planning process for programming and stewardship to serve present and future generations.