Creative Liberty is Carman’s proposed 8 80 x Knight City Champion project. The goal of Creative Liberty is to
complete “phase 0” of a social-purpose real estate project. While maintaining a long-term vision of owning a
community space, “phase zero” is to see what spaces exist in the current landscape of the Bay Area and learn from
their operators. Additionally, the goal is to connect with community facilitators and develop a shared vision to
understand the essential needs this future space must meet to benefit the community truly.

Carman is the deputy director of Local Color, a local organization. The launch of Creative Liberty rekindled the
social purpose of real estate conversation within the organization. The project and the organization’s five-year
goals align to create learning and advancement opportunities while building an artistic community hub.

In the first six months, Carman has worked with creatives in her community to be a sounding board for this idea.
They asked helpful questions that helped tailor the goals and to establish the phases this project will take:

  • Phase 0: Developing a vision
  • Phase 1: The purchase
  • Phase 2: Activation

To build off the energy of a new year, the first Creative Liberty group visioning session was hosted in January
with two community organizers who have worked in various community roles. The session utilized a broad
Mentimeter survey and open discussion to prepare an initial draft.

The group discussed the importance of community-inspired design in creating welcoming spaces. It was made clear
that there are missing forms of “third spaces” in San José, giving way to an ambitious desire of a future space
owned and operated by a community collective.

The first 1:1 interview was with Toni Bowles, the owner and director of Neon Exchange. Through a short but
vulnerable and detailed conversation, we grasped the challenges and freedoms that come with property ownership.

As a creative, Carman started with a piece of the project that sparked joy—curating an innovative vision and
branding for Creative Liberty. To bring this vision to life, Carman worked with artist J.Duh, whom they have
known since high school and have worked with at Local Color. Design development was also an exercise in
developing a deeper meaning behind Creative Liberty’s goals.

Each element of the design has meaning behind it. Referenced is the Sankofa symbol rooted in the Asante Twi
language of the Akan people of Western Africa and is associated with the proverb, “Se wo were fi na wosankofa a
yenkyi,” which translates to, “It is not wrong to go back for that which you have forgotten.”

This signifies the quest for wisdom, wherein reflecting on the past helps build a stronger future. Creative
Liberty is starting at “phase zero” because there is much to learn from the past and present before launching
into a grand property investment.

Born in 1993, Carman is on the cusp of Millennial and Gen-Z culture. Creative Liberty’s primary color is based
on Pantone’s “Very peri.” This reflects Carman’s budding generation, which is building economic power in
challenging times and changing the world in the future. How can we combine the new with the past? And what part
of the past is the focus? For Creative Liberty, tapping into the world’s practices before industrialization is
the goal.

The secondary color is “Blueprint Blue.” This notable color found in architectural documents connects the brand
identity to the goal of establishing roots within a permanent built environment. How this comes to fruition is
yet to be determined. However, the physical place is essential, and variations of this message are reflected in
different logo versions. Some versions resemble a city seal in square form, and in banner form, the logo appears
to have feathers or a hand bringing folx along for the journey.

Overcoming the fear of ambition was also a notable and ongoing challenge. In their youth, many people are
not afforded privileges that make them believe anything is possible. Carman is on a daily practice of
shifting this mindset and building a community with equally ambitious goals, who can stand as examples to
others. However, their diverse background has pushed them to persevere through this project.

Carman’s plans with Creative Liberty over the next six months include a second group visioning session,
additional 1:1 interviews with organizers, and a broad community survey.

Art has great power, and Carman intends to venture out with its medium-format camera to document areas
of extreme blight that, in the right hands, hold significant potential for future activation.

Once the purchasing phase begins in 2026, an established vision and determining the ins and outs of
ownership models will be key. Carman will meet with financial advisors to help determine the best route:
cooperative ownership, sole ownership, patterning with a 501c3, or other alternatives that are practical
and meet the goals of the collective vision.

About Carman Tyra

Her West African, Chickahominy, and Creek Freedmen heritage influenced Carman Tyra J.G., born and raised
in San José. Carman is the Deputy Director of Local Color, a San José 501c3 organization with the
mission to build equitable pathways for Artists and Creatives to thrive. Their social practice journey
is rooted in a non-linear path, reflecting how individuals can creatively impact the world in many ways.

Follow Carman: | @carmantyra.jg |