Kyree Holmes
Kyree is a proud native Philadelphian who has lived all over the city. Originally on track to pursue a career in marketing, she serendipitously discovered the user experience field and fell in love with it. She is currently a User Experience Researcher in the tech industry, leading research efforts to enhance products and services and inform the design of future projects. Now wanting to introduce others to the user experience field, she founded Onyx Valley, a community building organization designed to identify and prepare diverse talent for careers in the tech field.

Onyx Valley
Onyx Valley identifies and prepares diverse talent for careers in the User Experience (UX) field. We create a community that introduces students to the tech industry in a way that builds their esteem and makes them feel welcomed and included. Talent is cultivated through the programming and resources we offer. More formal training and employer contact occurs in our capstone programs, which address important and timely matters in the community. In these project, students get the opportunity to carry out a full design solution for real-life challenges.