Makayla Binter
Makayla Binter is a 2020 Davidson College graduate who majored in Biology and Studio Art. While at Davidson, she was an athlete, student leader, and project facilitator. At the end of her senior year, she was co-coordinator for a multi-cultural retention and mentorship program, STRIDE, a Davidson Arts and Creative Engagement Fellow, a Bonner Scholar, and president of a direct mentorship program at West Charlotte High School, the DuBoisian World Scholars Society. She started an interactive mural project called the Mural Panel Project dedicated to facilitating conversation surrounding social injustices as they pertained to Davidson College. As an artist, she has completed eight murals surrounding Charlotte, a few being the letter V in Spartanburg, SC, and the letter K in Gastonia, NC, a collaborative mural with BLCKMRKT’s Dammit Wesley for the #BeattiesFordStrong project, and the Mural Panel Project repainting in front of the Levine Museum of the New South.

West End Youth Mural
The collaborative mural project would showcase the visual timeline of the Historic West End in relation to the rich history of protest, perseverance, and strength of West Charlotte High School. This project will be designed and completed by West Charlotte Students and local youth with the guidance and mentorship of local Charlotte Artists. The mural seeks to emphasize the past while calling on the students to visualize the future of their school and beyond.