Orlando Bailey
Orlando Bailey is the Community Engagement Manager for Eastside Community Network (ECN) formally the Warren/Conner Development Coalition on Detroit’s Eastside. Orlando is a Detroit native who grew up just down the road from where he works.
While obtaining his Bachelor of Science Degree Electronic Media/Film Studies and Journalism at Eastern Michigan University (EMU), Orlando had the opportunity to give a TEDx Talk on connecting people with different backgrounds and upbringings with the common thread of going through the college experience at EMU. Orlando has dedicated his life professionally to young people as he manages the youth programs at ECN and serves in a youth leadership capacity at his church.
Orlando brings a unique perspective to the work that he does every day. Bringing his native knowledge of his former neighborhood and having a level of relatability that stakeholders can identify with has proven to be the key to his success professionally and personally.
Project Summary: Establishing a community space on Mack Avenue with theC.O.D.E. on Mack project, which will promote unity, creativity and education for all. C.O.D.E. stands for “Creating Our Destination Environment.”

Creating Our Destination Environment (C.O.D.E.)
C.O.D.E. (Creating Our Destination Environment) on Mack intends to establish a community place that promotes unity, creativity and education for all. C.O.D.E. is a signifier for partnering projects that are happening along Mack including an installation of Detroit’s first bioswale, public art, and the growing of a biodiesel crop called pennycress. C.O.D.E. seeks to add productive advancement to the community by constructing an open stage with dynamic art as the backdrop and reinforced benches for seating. This will be the impetus for community gatherings, talent shows, theatrical productions, and educational forums for the resilient residents who still inhabit the neighborhood.