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The KECC Studio

Thursday, August 14 to Saturday, August 16, 2025
Toronto, Canada

About the Studio

The Knight Emerging City Champions Studio will launch in Toronto in August 2025. The Studio is a 3-Day program that includes city tours and meetings with grassroots community activists and emerging and emerged city leaders. Champs will be able to build relationships with alumni and peers and work through their project ideas with support and coaching from 8 80 Cities and civic tech leaders, Helpful Places.

For the rest of the fellowship year, there will be ongoing virtual learning labs and monthly meet-ups to support peer-to-peer learning and capacity building.

Past Presenters

Past presenters and workshop leaders have included:

Gil Peñalosa
8 80 Cities
Jason Roberts
Better Block Foundation
Sureya Ibrahim
Community advocate
Jay Pitter
Author and placemaker
Jennifer Hollett
The Walrus
Kofi Hope
Wellesley Institute
Luke Anderson
Stop Gap Foundation
CJ Goulding
Children & Nature Network
Kristyn Wong-Tam
Toronto City Councillor

"Personally, the best part was connecting with the other fellows and staff. It was good for the soul to witness so many different people bonding over a common goal. This program has given me friends for life and a new family of fellow champs I can lean on for support and inspiration."

Varian Shrum
Charlotte, NC

Studio in Action